Category: Inspirational Lives

Inspirational Lives

Without Sacrifice There Is No Love*

Ordinary people can become extraordinary when they live for others. Maximillian Kolbe’s ultimate sacrifice for his fellow man ensures his light shines on forever.
Sparrow on Cherry Blossom

Inspirational Lives

The Little Sparrow and The Little Flower

One was a saint, the other a cabaret singer addicted to lovers, drugs, and alcohol. Yet these extraordinary French women shared one thing in common.
Strangers& Angels

Inspirational Lives

Remarkable Unknown Lives

Some people who seem deceptively ordinary on the outside may, in fact, possess extraordinary inner lives and souls, sending terrific amounts of light into the world.
Pocket Watch

Inspirational Lives

The Watchmaker's Daughter

An inspiring true story showing us that even the darkest of times can be the perfect preparation for a greater purpose.

Inspirational Lives

Struggling To Find Faith & Meaning?- Inspiration From Leo Tolstoy

'What will come of my whole life?' Leo Tolstoy, the Russian writer, asked himself in despair. He realised that matters of ultimate meaning and purpose were outside the realm of science and so he began his journey to faith.
Art by Dapo Abideen Art by Preetam Kumar Singh Minimalist Aesthetic Art Art by Francesco Ungaro Art by Karolina Grabowska Art by Marjan Blan Art by Julia Volk
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