Category: Slowing Down

Slowing Down

Why It's Vital To Slow Down

By slowing down and developing a more tranquil mind, we see things more clearly. What’s more, we learn to trust in the calm and hopeful whispers of our soul.

Slowing Down

Let Go: The Power of Surrender

Relying on our own strength is akin to depending on a small battery for energy when instead we can access the power of a mega power plant.
Queue in Supermarket

Slowing Down

Why Patience is Key to Happiness and A Sense Of Peace

To become more patient, we first have to be convinced about how many benefits there are to being a patient person. Less depression and negative emotions as well as a greater connection to others must certainly count.
Swimmer floating

Slowing Down

When Everything Feels Out Of Control

Giving up the mistaken belief that we are in charge offers a profound relief.

Slowing Down

Peace Of Mind, No Matter What

The world offers an artificial peace that is reduced to mere tranquillity. What we need is true peace that lasts through tribulations and beyond.
Art by Dapo Abideen Art by Preetam Kumar Singh Minimalist Aesthetic Art Art by Francesco Ungaro Art by Karolina Grabowska Art by Marjan Blan Art by Julia Volk
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